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Computer Sources, Inc.
37 Leliarts Lane,
Elmwood Park, NJ 07407
HP Swd Additional One Day I And S Svcsw

HP Swd Additional One Day I And S Svcsw

Référence: UU093E

To order contact us;

Computer Sources,Inc.
21B Millar Court
NJ 07652 

Minimum order amount $2500.00

Description Détaillée


HP Software Support Service provides complete software support for HP software and selected third-party software. As news updates to HP software and reference manuals, these updates are available for the system administrator or his delegate. Updates for selected HP-supported products from third-party software are included because they are made available by the manufacturer of the original software. The service also includes a license to use and copy software updates for each system covered by the original license from HP or original manufacturer software. In addition, this service provides electronic access to products and support information, allowing any member of his staff to locate essential business information available. For third party products, access is subject to the availability of information from the original manufacturer.